Malalta consulting

Experienced staffFocused expertise

When you engage with Malalta you get access to a team of highly experienced technology professionals with specific expertise, including: former CIOs, advertising executives, user experience designers, and web developers.

If you have needs in the following areas, we’re probably a good fit:

  1. Business requirements: IT team management, strategic planning, business plan writing, research, analysis and forecasting.

  2. Technology utilisation: eCommerce, web development, AWS, serverless methodologies, customer first UI/UX, digital advertising (particularly Google Ads, Facebook/Instagram, TikTok).

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Consulting services offered

We work with both senior level executives, and IT Departments.

Our team are all highly experienced professionals and most have multiple qualifications, so you can be sure they’ll understand your specific business needs and are not recent graduates working from a consulting playbook.

IT department audits: working in your business.

Modern day IT departments are the enablers of modern business – the platforms our teams manage touch every minute of our organisation’s working day. If our systems go down, productivity stops.

But it’s more than just “keeping the lights on”.

The best IT managers:

Malalta’s IT Department audits offer an objective external opinion, and provide you with an actionable list of recommendations for improvement.

Customisable to teams of all sizes – from large departments to teams of one – our audits are both positive and constructive, with the goal of helping you maximise your team’s impact.

Reach out to one of our team to discuss your options – it’s easier than you think – and get your IT department back to operating at full capacity today.

Strategic planning: working on your business.

As a senior executive your focus is on the big picture: how best to use technology to solve business objectives.

Our experienced consultants can work alongside you to help craft your vision, and analyse potential opportunities and threats in our rapidly changing environment.

Scaled to your needs

Our strategic planning services take two forms: one–on–one engagements with a senior member of our team available on an as–needs basis, or more traditional “project style” engagements where our team work on one or more deliverables that you define.

  1. We can work one–on–one with you, pairing you with a senior manager who both speaks your language, and can help you translate technical concepts into ideas that will capture the imagination of your non–technical audience.

    If you’re writing your strategic plan, or trying to get board buy-in for your project, working one–on–one with our former CIOs can be an invaluable resource.

  2. We can provide external analysis and research to support your planning.

    You can leverage your time in the early planning stages of a project by having Malalta provide you with industry research that informs decision making.

    We can amplify your efforts by providing research and analysis that adds weight to your project proposals, and increases your chance of securing board level approval.

Want to learn more?

Reach out to one of our team today. We’d love to hear more about your business, tailor our services to your needs and size, and help you achieve your goals!

Contact us today!